Map of our local area

The area that William Morris Big Local covers is the William Morris ward.

This is a residential area in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, postcode E17. It is close to the main shopping streets and transport hub of Walthamstow and has:

  • 12,564 residents in 5,100 households with about a third of those including children.
  • A highly diverse black, Asian and minority ethnic population that makes up of 59% of the total population (this is above the borough as a whole).
  • 2,200 jobs (low for the borough).
  • 8.9% of residents available for work claiming Jobseekers Allowance (equal to the borough average).
  • 39% of children living in poverty. 25% of pupils are eligible for free school meals.
  • Lower crime than the borough average.
  • Similar health and mortality rates to the borough as a whole.
Map of William Morris ward area