Your Big Local plan

Having a plan helps us prioritise community projects, deliver them and keep everything on track. It also allows us to draw down the money that was allocated to the area by The National Lottery Community Fund.

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“It is with great pleasure and excitement that WMBL is presenting a new 3 year plan. This has been a truly collaborative plan led by William Morris residents and builds on our work from the last 2 plans.

Over the last 3 years, we have grown our collaborative work and have made many exciting partnerships with Unltd, East End Trades Guild, Big Creative Academy as well as many grassroots local organisations.

Our new plan sees us concentrating on growing these partnerships and empowering more residents to get involved in volunteering, setting up their own projects and becoming more connected within the community with a view to creating a sustainable WMBL legacy beyond 2024.”

– Chrys Christy, WMBL Chair